Vous avez des super pouvoirs !
Détectez-les & utilisez-les !
Après le succès de 3 kifs par jour, Florence Servan-Schreiber continue son exploration de la psychologie positive.
Elle révèle comment puiser en nous-mêmes les ressources qui donneront à notre vie toute sa richesse:
• Détecter ses supers pouvoirs
• Identifier son trousseau de clés
• Choisir ses manivelles
• Activer la chance
• Charmer pour se relier
• Aimer tous azimuts
• Développer son intuition
• Redémarrer son disque dur intérieur
Plus de 25 000 copies vendues.
Editeur Grand Format et poche France et pays francophones : Marabout
Droits de traduction vendus : Espagne, Russie
Droits de traduction disponibles pour les autres pays.
POWERED UP. n. f. A particular type of energy
that we expend when we apply our inner power.
is not an attitude or a battle cry, but the sum of our super powers in action.
everything works and it seems easy.
After the success
of 3 Kifs a Day, Florence Servan-Schreiber continues her exploration into
positive psychology. She reveals how to
tap our resources from within in order to enrich our lives:
• Detect our super
• Identify the
contents of our toolboxes
• Choose our keys
• Trigger luck
• Charm to
• Like all means
• Develop our
• Reboot our internal hard drive
Servan-Schreiber trained in humanistic psychology and sustainable development
in California. She worked as a “professor of happiness” for French companies and
the general public which has already praised her previous book, 3 kifs per
speaker and columnist, she divides her time between her articles in the
magazine Clé, her show « Mes recettes qui font du bien » («My recipes that are good for you»)
on the
Cuisine Plus channel, Essentia conseils
which she runs, and her seminars on positive psychology.