mercredi 21 août 2019


BEST-SELLER IN BRAZIL : more than 40 000 copies sold

256 pages

Pub : 2019 june  in France (Marabout) / 2018 Feb in Brazil (Sextante / Sensus)

Available rights : Worldwide except France, Brazil, Portugal

Pour perdre du poids de manière durable, en pleine conscience et en évitant les régimes 

Si vous pensez que limiter les prises alimentaires et faire de l'exercice est la recette de la perte de poids, détrompez-vous. Selon de nombreuses études scientifiques, non seulement les régimes restrictifs échouent 95% du temps, mais ils contribuent également à la prise de poids à long terme.

C'est vrai: les régimes ne fonctionnent pas et favorisent même la prise de poids.
Dans le livre  Oubliez les régimes, ils font grossir, la nutritionniste Sophie Deram renverse un certain nombre de mythes et croyances sur la nutrition et rassemble, de manière claire et objective, des preuves convaincantes issues des domaines de la nutrigénomique et des neurosciences afin de proposer un moyen beaucoup plus durable et agréable de parvenir à un poids de santé.

Avec les 7 secrets de Sophie et plus de 70 recettes simples et savoureuses, l’ouvrage propose des conseils et des ressources pour atteindre ce poids santé sans tyrannisme nutritionnel, mais avec plaisir et en pleine conscience.


Lose weight in sustainable fashion, saying no to diets

If you think that closing your mouth and exercising is the recipe for weight loss, think again.
According to several scientific, studies, restrictive diets not only fall 95% of the time, but also contribute to long term weight gain.

• That’s right : dieting does not work and even promotes weight gain.

In this book, nutritionnist Sophie Deram overthrows a number of myths and beliefs about nutrition and, in a clear and objective manner, brings together compelling evidence from the areas of nutrigenomics and neuroscience to show a much more sustainable and pleasurable way to achieve a healthy weight.

With Sophie’s 7 Secrets and over 70 simple, international and tasty recipes, you’ll find tips and resources to achieve a healthy weight without nutritional terrorisme, but with pleasure and awareness.

The postulate
• 95% of people who go on a diet regain their original weight, often more, within two years. Counting calories or practicing radical dietary restrictions can only lead to what we feel in the medium and long term as a failure.
• Why ? Because our animal brain, our subconscious, adapts to these restrictions that it perceives as a threat by increasing our appetite and decreasing our metabolism. This one "saves", preoccupied by our survival. Follows fatigue, depression and increasing difficulty in losing weight.
• For example: consciously, we avoid carbohydrates - a great classic for losing weight! but unconsciously the search for carbohydrates becomes our main priority. Until we crack - inevitably - in front of chocolate or cake. When this moment arrives, our tendency is of course not to eat only one piece of chocolate or one piece of cake.
• This obsession with dieting is one of the factors in the epidemic of overweight and obesity in the world. Indeed, the other side effect of diets is the explosion of eating disorders (bulimia, food compulsion, "emotional eating" and anorexia ...).

How to lose weight permanently?
By making peace with food and with one's own body, finding the healthy relationship our ancestors had with food. We must relearn how to listen to the signals our body sends us, hunger and satiety. The adopted technique is mindfull eating.
The mechanisms and development of this "method" is the subject of the first part of the book. The second part proposes concrete solutions.

What is diet in consciousness?
The mindfulL eating is a recent nutritional concept that is based on the awareness of what we eat in order to (re) discover the taste of food, their flavors and the pleasure of eating. It is defined as a way of eating consciously, healthy, balanced against a mechanical diet or based on a list of prohibited.
This method allows to eat to satiety, lose a few pounds quietly and safely, or stabilize its weight and maintain a harmonious silhouette.
It corresponds to this approach in psychology that invites us to pay more attention to the present moment, in particular to better manage stress, pain or addiction to certain products.

Sophie Deram est ingénieur agronome, diététicienne-nutritionniste et chercheur. Après un doctorat au sein du département d’endocrinologie de la faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Sao Paulo (FMUSP), elle coordonne aujourd’hui le projet de génétique des troubles du comportement alimentaire dans le laboratoire de neurosciences de l’hôpital psychiatrique Ipq-FMUSP. Ses domaines de recherche sont l'obésité chez les enfants, la nutrigénomique, les troubles du comportemant alimentaire et la neuroscience du comportement.

Française, vivant au Brésil depuis 20 ans, Sophie défend l’importance du plaisir de manger et démontre comment les régimes restrictifs sont l’une des plus grandes sources de gain de poids et représentent des risques pour la santé.

A travers son livre, ses cours, ses programmes en ligne, elle propose des outils pour aider le public à transformer sa relation avec la nourriture en mangeant mieux, et non pas moins. Elle démontre comment se réconcilier avec son corps et manger en pleine conscience, en privilégiant le fait maison et les aliments frais, tout en en diminuant les ultra-transformés, sont les clefs pour vivre en meilleure santé et se sentir mieux. Son premier livre est un best-seller au Brésil.

Sophie Deram is an agronomist and nutritionist, with a doctorate from the Department of Endocrinology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo (FMUSP). She has focused her research on childhood obesity, nutrigenomics, eating disorders and behavioral neuroscience.

She is a researcher in the Eating Disorders Program (Ambulim) at the IPq-FMUSP Clinic Hospital, where she coordinates research and genetic conceptualization of the DNA library of Eating Disorders patients.

A native French and Brazilian citizen for 20 years, Sophie is an activist against restrictive diets and a champion of the pleasure of eating and eating with full awareness.
In her office in Sao Paulo, as well as on social networks, in the online programs she develops, as well as in the courses and conferences she teaches, she is committed to inspiring people to transform their relationship with food, saving lives, with "real food" and the act of cooking to live healthier and feel better

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