dimanche 6 octobre 2019



Pub : 2019 May

240 pages

Foreign rights : Worldwide except France

Pour reprendre la main sur sa vie professionnelle, pour plus de joie et d’épanouissement

Peut-on vraiment parler de joie au travail quand on pense à la routine de certaines tâches vides de sens, au stress du quotidien, ou aux réunions inutiles et chronophages ? 

A priori, non… 

Mais la joie peut se frayer un chemin envers et contre tout !

Face au diktat du bonheur au travail, Anne-Valérie Rocourt innove en abordant le travail non plus sous l’angle du bonheur (la quête d’un état) mais de la joie : une émotion que l’on ne maîtrise pas mais que l’on peut favoriser.

Grâce aux explications issues d’études scientifiques, à des exemples concrets et à des exercices de mise en pratique, Anne-Valérie Rocourt nous permet de comprendre tout ce qui se joue dans la joie au travail. 

Elle nous apprend à débusquer les saboteurs de joie, puis à pratiquer au quotidien la joie au travail et à la cultiver


To regain control over your professional life, for more joy and fulfillment

Can we really talk about joy at work when we think of the routine of certain empty tasks, the stress of everyday life, or unnecessary and time-consuming meetings?

A priori, no ...

But joy can make its way against all odds!

Faced with the diktat of happiness at work, Anne-Valérie Rocourt innovates by approaching the work no longer from the point of view of happiness (the quest for a state) but of joy: an emotion that one can not control but that we can promote.

Thanks to explanations from scientific studies, concrete examples and practice exercises, Anne-Valérie Rocourt allows us to understand everything that is played in joy at work.

It teaches us to flush out the saboteurs of joy, then to practice joy at work and to cultivate it on a daily basis. 

Graduate of ESCP, Anne-Valérie Rocourt worked 17 years in finance, before creating several companies.

Having herself experienced the transformative power of mindfulness and positive psychology, she has been intensively trained in these two fields (including MBSR and specialized diploma from Ecole Centrale).

With this dual expertise, she intervenes in companies to help revive the flame of joy at work. She is also passionate about supporting women in professional transition, in search of the joy of living their vocation

Ecoutez Anne-Valérie Rocourt :


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